The information published on the website is the property of INFORMATION, CONTROL & PLANNING LTD, (hereinafter ICP), with registered address at 1 Yeomans Dr, Blakelands, Milton Keynes MK14 5LZ – United Kingdom, VAT number: 213119552.

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information about the services it provides. The information displayed on the website is freely available to users who access the website on a private and individual basis, free of charge. The commercialisation of the right of access is expressly forbidden.

Access to the information on this website implies acceptance of the following conditions of use:


ICP makes every effort to ensure that the information published on its website is accurate and up to date. However, ICP cannot be held responsible for the consequences of any incorrect interpretation or reading of the same.
Likewise, ICP is not responsible for any damage or harm suffered by the user that may arise from accessing this website or from the use of its contents.
Links to third party pages: The ICP website includes links to sites owned and/or managed by third parties in order to facilitate access to information available on the Internet.
ICP does not assume any responsibility derived from the existence of such links or mentions, which are for information purposes only and in no case imply the support, approval, marketing or any relationship between ICP and the persons or entities writing and/or managing this content, or the owners of the sites where it is located.


ICP does not guarantee that the website will be permanently operative or the absence of software errors, communication failures or other hardware problems, and will not be liable in any way for any damages they may cause to users.

However, ICP will try to provide, to the extent of its possibilities, technical assistance to the user for the solution of incidents, and that any request for information or resolution of incidents in relation to the Web and its operation will be attended by ICP, at the following


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Access to and use of the “CLIENT ZONE” that forms part of the website, is reserved exclusively for our clients. Its use and operation imply full, express acceptance of these General Terms and Conditions as published at the time the user accesses the website, without prejudice to the terms and conditions that may apply to some of the specific services on the website.

Access to certain content and information may be subject to certain specific conditions which may replace, complete and/or modify these General Terms and Conditions. Therefore, prior to accessing and/or using such content and information, the user must carefully read the specific conditions. The user acknowledges that he/she accesses this website willingly and consciously under their sole liability.


The user undertakes to keep secret and to use diligently the user name and password provided by ICP to access the “CLIENT ZONE”. Each user has full responsibility for the use and custody of their passwords, being responsible for the veracity of the personal data provided to ICP to obtain their passwords. ICP shall be exempt from any liability arising from the incorrect use or negligence of the user in fulfilling the obligation of custody and confidentiality of their passwords. Likewise, it is the user’s duty to immediately report to ICP any event that makes the misuse of identifiers and passwords possible, such as theft, loss or unauthorised access thereof, so that they may be cancelled immediately.
In so far as no such event is reported, ICP will be exempt from any liability that may arise from the misuse of the identifiers or passwords by unauthorised third parties.
For any incident related to the service, you may contact ICP by e-mail:

Cancellation of accounts:  ICP reserves the right to cancel access to the private area of this website to all those users who do not comply with the rules established for its use, as well as blocking or deleting all those contents that violate morality or good customs or infringe the rights and/or laws in force. Any user who intentionally or culpably fails to comply with any of the above duties shall be liable for all the damages that he/ she may cause.

ICP reserves the right (i) to modify at any time the presentation, configuration and location of the website that hosts the Private Area, as well as the contents, services and conditions required for its use, when it deems it appropriate or in order to adapt to future legislative and technological changes, such modifications being valid from the time of their publication on the Website, and (ii) to interrupt access to the Private Area at any time and without prior notice, whether for technical, security, control, maintenance, power failure or for any other reason.


All the elements (brands, designs, texts, links, logos, images, videos, sound elements, software, databases, code, etc.) contained in the ICP website ( are protected by national and international law covering intellectual property. ICP is the sole owner of these elements. Any reproduction, transmission, adaptation, translation, modification, communication to the public, or any other exploitation of all or part of the content of this Website, carried out in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical or otherwise, is strictly prohibited, unless prior written authorisation has been given by ICP. Any infringement of these rights may result in appropriate civil or criminal prosecution. ICP does not grant any licence or authorization to use its intellectual and industrial property rights or on any other property or right related to the Website, the services or the contents thereof.
It is expressly forbidden to copy or reproduce the information published by any electronic means (websites, databases or electronic publications) that allow the sharing of any information published on this website to multiple users without ICP’s prior written consent.


ICP and the user, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction, submit to any controversy that could arise from access or use of the Web, to the Courts and Tribunals of the corresponding city of European Union.